To me, it sounds idealistic, the path we should be following for the environment, livestock, and all individuals within the food system – growers, farmers, workers, retailers, eaters.
Read MoreCome get a free tree from Pacific Northwest-based Brooks Tree Farm! We know you want to plant an entire forest, but one tree per customer, please.
Read MoreJust like flowers, we do not bloom forever. So, while we are here blooming and smelling pretty, let’s share that energy as much as we can with each other.
Read MoreDismal gray, suddenly replaced by bursts of color: buds, blooms, and blossoms everywhere. The air freshens, and life feels lighter.
Read MoreBeginning this week, 2024’s Practicum students will begin to gather in the longer evenings on our student farms to learn – seed propagation, irrigation, soil health, organic certification, and more!
Read MoreAn agricultural conservation easement ensures that the highest quality farmland continues to be farmed while staying in private hands.
Read MoreGardens should not be sterile. Leave some leaf litter, piles of sticks, some cobwebs. In doing so, you are contributing to building a habitat.
Read MoreThe Co-op’s participation in the PHT workgroup further cemented relationships with local organizations and opened the door for more opportunities to educate the public and engage in discussion about food surplus and food waste.
Read MoreIf hands touching earth is grounding, then gardening is especially so: cold April soil warming up in the sun; the grit and grain of dirt sifted over seeds; the seeds themselves, from tiny self-sufficient orbs to bits of hope feathered, spiked or kerneled.
Read MoreAs they flower, the one thing they ask for is an appreciative audience to cut them regularly for vases, or at least to deadhead them as them bloom.
Read MoreThese changes are affecting how we live generally, and whether or not we realize it, it’s also affecting how we eat. Climate change is having a massive impact on agriculture.
Read MoreSo, let’s take some of the mystery out of these expiration dates and put some power in your environmentally conscious hands, and money back in your pocket.
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