100% Green Power Program
We’re going green through Puget Sound Energy’s Green Power Program! As part of our efforts to increase sustainability through various ways, we enrolled in Puget Sound Energy’s Green Power Program at the 100% Leadership Level. We are now matching 100% of our electricity usage with clean, renewable energy from the Green Power program.
Farm Power Rexville
“As the Co-op continues its efforts to measure our environmental impact and minimize our footprint” said former General Manager Todd Wood, “enrolling in Puget Sound Energy’s Green Power Program was the next step after installing our solar panels at C-SQUARE.”
Through the Green Power program, we are contributing to our region’s environmental and economic health by supporting the development and use of renewable energy projects in the Pacific Northwest. Renewable energy—often referred to as “green power”—is electricity that’s generated by resources that are naturally replenishing like sunlight, flowing streams, and cool breezes. It's also made from biogas, a by-product of modern living commonly released at dairy farms and landfills. These resources will not run out. They also have dramatically lower pollution rates than fossil fuels. Our contributions support several renewable projects right here in Western Washington and across the state, as you’ll see listed below.
The mission of the Green Power program is to provide an easy, affordable way for business and residential customers to expand the use of earth-friendly energy sources. In 2019, PSE estimates that participants will purchase more than 500 million kWh of green power. That’s enough energy to power 41,500 average homes for one year.
We’re excited for the opportunity to keep our state evergreen through PSE. If you’re interested in joining the program, it’s worth knowing that business customers can participate at rates specific to their situation, and residential customers can purchase 100 percent green power for about $10 to $12 a month based on their actual usage. You can visit PSE.com/greenpower or call 1.800.562.1482 for more information on how to enroll.
Below is a list of some of the projects our contributions support here in Washington State through PSE’s Green Energy program:
Community Action’s Skagit Food Distribution Center Solar Grant – Solar
LRI LFGTE Facility- Phase 1 – Landfill gas
Nooksack Hydro – Low Impact Hydro
Vander Haak Dairy – Dairy Biogas
Farm Power Rexville – Dairy Biogas
Farm Power Lynden – Dairy Biogas
Van Dyk-S Holsteins – Dairy Biogas
Rainier Biogas – Dairy Biogas
Edaleen Cow Power – Dairy Biogas
Ellensburg Community Solar Project, Phase III & IV-- Solar
Swauk Wind – Wind (video)
White Creek – Wind
We also support other projects in the greater Northwest area like:
Grand View PV Solar Two LLC – Idaho Solar
Mountain Home Solar 1, LLC – Idaho solar